Anne Luther

Dr. Anne Luther ist Information Technology Beraterin mit Schwerpunkt in digitaler Forschung, Museumsdaten und Datenvisualisierung. Seit 2020 ist sie Principal Investigator von Digital Benin, ein internationales Projekt zur digitalen Zusammenführung der im 19. Jahrhundert geplünderten königlichen Kunstwerke aus Benin. Ihr Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Analyse von Museumsdaten durch Datasprints, Workshops, internationale Forschungskooperationen, Softwareentwicklung und Veröffentlichungen.

Anne Luther ist Referentin bei der Session Potenziale einer vernetzten Forschung am Dienstag, 4. Mai 2021 um 11.45 Uhr.

Digital Benin’s first research phase: a data landscape in museums internationally

Digital Benin will digitally unite the globally dispersed works of art from the former Kingdom of Benin and as an unparalleled forum of knowledge it will, within the next two years, bring together object data and related documentation material from collections worldwide and provide the long-requested overview of the royal artworks looted in the 19th century on an online platform. The presentation will give an introduction to the first phase of the two-year project in which we explored the museum landscape internationally on their various forms and formats of data storing and data publication. Examples of unique digital information about objects and how museums internationally open digital information to a public will show how different audiences can interact and use with museum data. The presentation will briefly show the three main processes to build a museum data collection: digitization, storing and opening/publishing of data.